Green mobility

Embracing sustainable transportation not only reduces our carbon footprint, but also elevates our connection to the environment, fostering a sense of harmony and stewardship.

Tips for Sustainable Transportation:

Opt for walking or biking whenever feasible, especially for short distances. It promotes personal health and reduces carbon emissions.

Utilize public transit systems, such as buses, trams, or trains, which can significantly reduce the number of cars on the road.

Carpool or share rides with colleagues, friends, or neighbors, maximizing the use of a single vehicle and minimizing individual emissions.

Consider investing in an electric or hybrid vehicle, which produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional gasoline-powered cars.

Explore alternative modes of transportation like electric scooters or skateboards for shorter trips within your community.

Plan your trips efficiently to minimize the number of miles traveled. Combine errands or use online shopping to reduce unnecessary driving.

Support and advocate for the development of cycling infrastructure, such as bike lanes and paths, to encourage safer and more accessible cycling.

Consider telecommuting or remote work options when possible to eliminate the need for daily commuting altogether.

Stay informed about local initiatives and policies that promote sustainable transportation, and actively participate in community discussions and advocacy.

Educate others about the benefits of sustainable transportation and inspire them to adopt eco-friendly commuting practices.

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Our certifications

GOTS – Global Organic
Textile Standard
Handwoven Certificate from
Government of Maharashtra
IOAS – Independent Organic and
Sustainable Assessment
and Accreditation


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