New Year Blog

Invest in trans-seasonal clothes:

You never know what the weather is going to bring, and that’s why it’s important to invest in sustainable fabrics. A lot of people think about buying sustainable produce, but not so much about their clothing, and that’s a huge mistake. Not only does your wardrobe need to be made of sustainable materials, but it needs to be able to handle anything life throws at it. rom the cold-weather months of winter right through spring and summer, you can expect your wardrobe to need different kinds of protection. For this reason, it’s important to invest in trans-seasonal clothes that can handle whatever comes their way.

Donate your clothes:

First, donate your unwanted clothes to someone who needs them. You’ll feel good about helping someone else in need, and you’ll reduce the amount of waste that would have ended up in landfills or incinerators. Next, take a look at our [] We’re happy to accept any unwanted clothes from around the world (and we don’t just mean ones with holes). We buy all kinds of things from old shoes to vintage dresses- so there’s something for everyone. And if you don’t see what you want on our site, just send us an email and we’ll make sure it gets into the right hands.

Go for quality over quantity :

If you’re looking to get more sustainable, the best way to do it is to go for quality over quantity. Sure, you might have more options than ever before when it comes to sustainable fashion, but that doesn’t mean you should start buying everything just because it’s convenient or trendy. You should also be sure that the products and materials you’re choosing are good for the environment in which they’re being made. By choosing quality over quantity, you can make sure that your purchases will last and help protect our planet while they’re at it. Quality is the most important thing in life, and you’re guaranteed to get more for your money when you buy from a brand that’s committed to quality.

Where does your clothing come from :

When you buy something new, you should always check the label to make sure it was made in an environmentally friendly way. If not, look for something that was made more sustainably by asking if it was made from organic cotton or wool. You can also ask where the garment was made when purchasing something used-if it’s secondhand, try to find out where it came from in order for someone else to reuse it instead of disposing of it in landfill waste. If you’re shopping at a brick-and-mortar store, simply asking about the materials used will help you feel confident about what you’re spending money on.

Learn how to repair clothing yourself :

Repairing your own clothes is an excellent way to save money on the items you want to keep-and it’s also a great way to show off your skills as a seamstress! If you want to learn how to repair some of your favorite pieces, here are a few tips:

1. Look for the proper tools. You’ll need scissors, pins, thread (or sewing machine needles), and an ironing board or press cloth. Some sewing machines come with their own needle replacement kits, so check before you start!

2. Follow instructions carefully. You don’t want to ruin your favorite pants or dress by pulling out all of their stitches while trying to figure out what went wrong!

3. Don’t try this at home if it isn’t broken already! If it’s not too hard or dangerous (like cutting into leather!), then go ahead and give it a try-but do so in an area where there are plenty of safety measures in place such as electricity outlets nearby and emergency phone numbers available for help should problems arise during

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